CENÍK skupinová výuka

Group teaching price list


Price/ person/ day/  (1 day = 3 hr.) SVOBODA NAD ÚPOU / DUNCAN

Group 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days

5 days

6 days

 3-6 persons 990 1980 2950 3600 4100 4900
7-10 persons 890 1780 2750 3400 3900 4700

prices in CZK

Price/ person/ day/  (1 day = 3 hr.) JANSKE LAZNE

Group 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days

5 days

6 days

 3-6 persons 1150 2250 3190 3990 4690 5490
7-10 persons 990 1980 2950 3600 4100 4900

CENÍK privátní (individuální) výuka

PRICE LIST private (individual) lessons



Hours 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours

“for the impatient”




A/ 17:00-18:30
B/ 18:00-19:30

1 person 1090 1990 2890 3690 1100 1600 1100
another person 400 890 1390 1790 390 500 390

prices in CZK

DAILY lessons (1 day = 4 hours) SVOBODA NAD ÚPOU / DUNCAN

Days 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days another day
1 person 3690 7000 9900 11100 2700
another person 1790 3500 3800 4500 1000



Hours 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours

“for the impatient”




A/ 17:00-18:30
B/ 18:00-19:30

1 person 1090 1990 2890 3690 1100 1790 1100
another person 400 890 1390 1790 500 500 500

prices in CZK

DAILY lessons (1 day = 4 hours) JANSKE LAZNE

Days 1 day 2 days
1 person 3690 7000
another person 1790 3500



SKI RENTAL price list

DNY 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
***Carv Ski set
(NEW boots)
rental – cottage Viktorka
Janske Lazne
400 490 950 1400 1850 2200 2500 Free
Carv Ski
rental – cottage Viktorka
Janske Lazne
350 400 750 960 1250 1490 1680 Free
TEST CENTRUM FISCHER/ski 650 650 1250 1850 2400 2950 3500 Free
*B Ski set/ older 300 390 780 1150 1510 1860 2200 Free
*B Ski/ older 200 290 580 870 1140 1390 1580 Free
Ski boots/ NEW 150 200 350 490 620 740 850 Free
Poles 70 100 200 300 400 500 600 Free
***Children’s Ski set
(ski to 130 cm)
200 250 490 660 850 1000 1200 Free
Children’s Ski
(ski to 130 cm)
150 200 400 550 700 900 990 Free
***Snowboard set 350 400 780 1140 1490 1790 2040 Free
Snowboard 200 250 490 660 850 1000 1200 Free
***Cross-country Ski set 300 350 690 1030 1360 1670 1950 Free
Sledge 200 250 490 720 940 1140 1330 Free
Helmet/ children/ older 50 90 170 250 320 380 430 60
rental – cottage Viktorka
Janske Lazne
150 150 300 450 580 700 810 Free

Prices in CZK

!!! During the lessons at the ski school free helmet !!!

*** set = ski + boots + poles / snowboard + boots
** rental of new glasses 150, – CZK / day (branch Viktorka – Janske Lazne )
* only in the Duncan ski area in Svoboda nad Upou

CENÍK dětská lyžařská škola pro nejmenší špunty

PRICE LIST of children

Ski school for small children

for children under 6 years of age / year of birth 2018 and younger

Hours 1 hour 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours  8 hours 10 hours another hour
1 person 790 1560 3100 4600 6100 6900 0

prices in CZK ; class lasts 55 min
* lessons + rental of children’s ski equipment incl. helmets CZK 950/hour


PRICE LIST VIP ski school for advanced


HOURS lessons – VIP ski school for advanced

Hours 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours

“for the impatient”

8:30 – 10:00

A/ 17:00 – 18:30
B/ 18:00 – 19:30
1 person 1450 2500 3300 4000 1700 1700
another person 600 1000 1500 2000 800 800

prices in CZK

DAILY lessons – VIP ski school for advanced  (1 day = 4 hours )

Days 1 day 2 days 3 days
1 person 4000 8000 11000
another person 2000 2000 2000

prices in CZK