Away with dog sled

Mushing – dog-team rides / Dogsled ride

…Come to have first-hand experience of the „Wild North“ charm with the beauty of dog-teams from the era of the „Gold Rush“…

“Dog-team ride – Be an Alaska musher for a day“

After the arrival of the dog-team, you will meet the dogs, we will introduce you to riding with the team and perform short training. After the training, you will go for a ride with the dogsled to the winter landscape of Krkonose.
The exceptionality consists in the possibility to manage a dog-team under the supervision of an experienced musher which is controlling everything from behind.

This kind of ride can try persons older than 15 years. For younger or handicapped persons, there is a bag on the sledge, in which they can sit comfortably and enjoy the ride.


Programme dog team rides/ 3 hours
5 418,- CZK / 1 person
8 213,- CZK / 2 persons

Programme dog team rides/ 15 min.
990,- CZK / person / for 6 – 9 persons
850,- CZK / person / for 10 – 20 persons


Mushing – dog – team rides / Be an Alaska musher for a day

Suitable for clients who love dogs, nature and romantic landscape…
It concerns an initiation into the whole circle of upbringing, education and training of dogs. You will try not only the ride itself but also preparing dogs efore the ride, camping in nature, including making lunch on open fire, final unharnessing of dogs and clearing. The programme is ended with handing over a certificate and photographs from the event. „In short, taste life of a musher personally“


Programme dog team rides/ 9.00 – 16.00
11 010,-   CZK / 1 person
17 529,- CZK / 2 persons

( An alternative to the snow sled in conditions without snow is riding a terrain cart pulled by a dog-team. In bad weather is impossible to make this experience. All services are suitable for groups or individuals. )


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