Ride on sleigh

Ride on sleigh – Full day trip with guide to Pec pod Snezkou


Ride by the cabin lift from Janske Lazne on the top of the Cerna Hora. From here on the sledges down to Pec pod Snezkou and back by Skibus.

After arrival by cabin lift ascent on outlook-tower, which is made from old cabin lift post. From here is gorgeous view of all Krkonose.

Later on, there is only ride down on sledges, lunch and visit at dog-fancier where you can see special Husky dogs – „Mushering“. Then we will continue on sledges to bus stop in Pec pod Snezkou and back to Janske Lazne.

*) price include : sledge, guide, transport, lunch (from min.5 people)

Adults 1 650,- CZK / person
Kids 1 050,- CZK / person ( without own sledge )

Sledge – Night ride on sledge from Cerna Hora

Fun on the 3,5 km long sledge ride with company of our instruktor.

The trip starts on the top of the Cerna hora and continue on hill-side to Janske Lazne on road called „Bell road“ In old times this road was used as road for special sledge carying wood. Name „Bell road“ comes probably from these old times when sledge had small bells to inform others that sledge is on the road.

*) price include: sledge, cable car ride, night light, instructor (from min.4 people)

Adults 590,- CZK / person
Kids 490,- CZK / person ( without own sledge )

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